Shabbat - rest when life keeps life-ing
During this time of heartbreak...
Yom Kippur Commentary: Being Soft on Ourselves
Rosh Hashanah Commentary: AI and the Human
Purim Anti-Patriarchy Poem
Yom Kippur Commentary 5783/2022
Rosh Hashanah Commentary 5783/2022
We built this place for someone like you
Mourning and Joy, Hatred and Love
Jewish responses to the loneliness epidemic
Be by yourself and get quiet; Be in community and get loud
Repro Shabbat
Tisha B’Av and Tu B’Av: Destruction to creation; Hatred to Love
A time to mourn/ grieve
Jewish ways to mark Earth Day
Hug a Tree!
Halloween, Shabbat, Election, Oh MY!
Reflection on High Holidays during Covid
Rosh Hashanah Commentary - The Power of Presence (plus a poem!)
Denise HandlarskiRosh Hashanah, High Holidays, Akedah, Binding of Isaac, Torah, Climate change, Parenting, Unplugging, Mindfulness, Hope
Gearing up for the High Holidays -- freebies for kids and adults!