High Holidays — Blog — Secular Synagogue
Posts tagged High Holidays
Reflection on High Holidays during Covid
Rosh Hashanah Commentary - The Power of Presence (plus a poem!)
Denise HandlarskiRosh Hashanah, High Holidays, Akedah, Binding of Isaac, Torah, Climate change, Parenting, Unplugging, Mindfulness, Hope
Gearing up for the High Holidays -- freebies for kids and adults!
What is Elul and Why Do We Need It?
Shabbat and Something Starting Soon!
Honesty Moment, Book Launch, Hi Hos sneak peak!
Denise HandlarskiSecular Synagogue, Secular Jew, High Holidays, Honesty, Authenticity, Book Launch, Author, Jewish culture, Tzedakah, Spiritual support, Community, Jewish Community, Spiritual Community
Happy Rosh Hashanah!
Uncategorized#climatechange, Climate change, Earth, Gratitude, Happiness, High Holidays, Holiday, Humanistic Judaism, Jew, Jewish, Judaism, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, roshhashanah, Secular Jews, Secular Judaism, Tikkun Olam, Walking, Whatrabbisdo
Global climate strike, Judaism, and YOU
Uncategorized#climatechange, Climate change, High Holidays, Hope, Humanism, Humanistic Judaism, Jew, Justice, Mitzvah, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, roshhashanah, Secular Jews, Tikkun Olam, Tikun olam, Whatrabbisdo, World on fire
Hey there smarty pants! (Goal-setting and the Jewish new year)
Sustainable Happiness
The coming month can be elul-sive
What to do between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?