Posts tagged Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Commentary 5783/2022
Reflection on High Holidays during Covid
Rosh Hashanah Commentary - The Power of Presence (plus a poem!)
Denise HandlarskiRosh Hashanah, High Holidays, Akedah, Binding of Isaac, Torah, Climate change, Parenting, Unplugging, Mindfulness, Hope
Happy Rosh Hashanah!
Uncategorized#climatechange, Climate change, Earth, Gratitude, Happiness, High Holidays, Holiday, Humanistic Judaism, Jew, Jewish, Judaism, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, roshhashanah, Secular Jews, Secular Judaism, Tikkun Olam, Walking, Whatrabbisdo
Forgiveness: It’s Complicated
Uncategorized#self-love, Happiness, Holiday, Humanism, Humanistic Judaism, Jew, Jewish, Justice, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, roshhashanah, Secular Jews, Self-care, Tikkun Olam
Global climate strike, Judaism, and YOU
Uncategorized#climatechange, Climate change, High Holidays, Hope, Humanism, Humanistic Judaism, Jew, Justice, Mitzvah, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, roshhashanah, Secular Jews, Tikkun Olam, Tikun olam, Whatrabbisdo, World on fire
Hey there smarty pants! (Goal-setting and the Jewish new year)
The coming month can be elul-sive
Rosh Hashanah sermon - Can a Humanist Be Happy?
What to do between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?