Welcome to Secular Synagogue!

You are not only welcome here; we built this for you!

We’d love to have you be part of this Connected Community!

Registration is open!

Sign up for access to our online High holidays, craft club, speakers, Shabbat live talks, Book/film clubs, Passover, Hanukkah, and other celebrations, DIY resources and beyond!


What is Secular Synagogue?

Digital Judaism, online community, engaged and meaningful learning and practice.

The goal of this community is two-directional: Explore how Judaism can be an enriching force in your life and, in turn, make you a more kind, just, and effective force for good in the world.


Who is Secular Synagogue for?

Jewish, Jew-ish, Intermarried, In-married, Unmarried, Secular, Cultural, Atheist, Agnostic, Seeker, Spiritual... YOU

If you are a cultural/secular Jew, someone who is becoming a Jew, partnered with a Jew, or otherwise Jewishly engaged, and want to connect to Jewish wisdom, ideas and community, this is the place for you! We are a proudly diverse community, celebratory for Gender and Sexual Minorities, Jews and those who are Jewishly-adjacent of any race, ethnicity, or ancestry, and other equity-deserving groups. We are intergenerational, intersectional, and international.


Why join Secular Synagogue?

You can create and foster a deep and rich Jewish life in 5 - 10 minutes a day

We take an engaged, meaningful, and contemporary approach to Jewish learning, practice, and community. Memberships include the following:

  • All of our online programs including holiday celebrations, speakers, text study, book/film club, crafternoons and more!

  • The Facebook group where people share ideas, offer support, discuss food and film, and create genuinely caring community

  • A weekly email and Shabbat live video from Rabbi Denise

  • A website full of resources to DIY Jewish practice at home (including traditional and secular/non-theistic options)

It’s so comforting having a rabbi who is just a click away
— PR
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Join Secular Synagogue members on webinars and online discussion groups

Secular Synagogue will be accepting new members for a short time. Get in now to make sure you don’t miss the chance to get meaningful content coming straight to your inbox, a Facebook feed full of things you actually want to look at, and a supportive and caring community.


Your engaged Jewish life is only a click away!

“It’s like a rush of Jewish endorphins in my day”
— RG

Join today!

Sign up to be a valued member of Secular Synagogue! As a member, you'll receive access to a member's only login area, as well as access to the Secular Synagogue Facebook page


Rabbi Denise Handlarski, Secular Synagogue

Rabbi Denise is the spiritual leader of Secular Synagogue. Her passion is creating Jewish experiences that are meaningful, relevant, contemporary, and fun! She is so excited to connect you with Jewish learning, culture, practice, and community - no fuss, no guilt, no "bad Jews" here. Rabbi Denise is also a professor, a mom, and a fan of good wine and bad television.