Doula Services Testimonials

“Everything came together just how we hoped and planned. In hindsight, I can’t imagine not having a doula — specifically Denise, by my side. We decided on a home birth - my husband can’t stop raving about how much Denise was an integral part of the event. The role: the coach, the friend, the cheerleader, the dance partner, and the expert on the scene should not be optional at a birth. Denise’s touch, supportive and encouraging words helped me get through it. I am eternally grateful for this gift.”

Jodie & Mike


“Denise made all the difference as a Doula for my  birth. My experience with Denise was so positive and she made me feel empowered and ready to have the birth that I wanted to have. During the end of my pregnancy, I was nervous and had many questions as I came closer to my due date and felt like I had a friend and expert in Denise to help me prepare for the birth and to talk out my anxieties. I felt comfortable to tell her what I was expecting from her and she provided me great insight into how she can help me overcome specific things that I felt could be obstacles for me during the birth.  She was always available by phone, email and text and responded back to me asap. I had a home birth and, as planned, I called Denise to come over as soon as my midwives decided it was time to come to my home. She arrived from across the city in 20-25 minutes.

It felt great to have Denise there. She was right by my side and helped me with my breathing and she made sure that I could hold my husband's hand through some of the toughest parts of the night. After the birth, she took pictures of me, my baby and my husband. She only left after she was sure I was comfortable. She checked in on me the next day and came by to see me and the baby a week or so later and made sure I was feeling okay and breastfeeding was going well. Thank you, Denise, for everything you did for us! I will always be grateful!”

Sophia & Raj


“I can't imagine a better person to have as your Doula. Denise was so knowledgeable and was eager to work towards an approach that worked for me and my husband. She really goes above and beyond and made us feel we were in good hands. I also love the unique Jewish aspect that she can offer.”

Alison & Ewan

Let’s Connect!

If you are interested in any of my services, or have any questions about what I can do for you, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


Jewish Doula is certified by Doula Canada